Bismillahirrahmanirrahim This is an application Prayer Guidance and Prayer Learning and Ablution Learning that can help children to Learn How to Ablution and Learn the Prayer Movement accompanied by Obligatory Sholat Readings. Also equipped with a memorization module of Juz Amma Al-Quran Short Letters and Muslim Childrens Prayers. Lots of picture illustrations and sound. It is very fitting to welcome the fasting month, and to complete activities during Ramadan. The advantages and uniqueness of this Prayer and Prayer Guide application: - complete with illustration images and sound guidance,- there is learning ablution, learning movements and prayer reading,- there is a mandatory prayer list, complete with all movements,- there is memorization of short letters juz amma,- there is a collection of prayers (a total of 24) Muslim children,- file size is not large, easy and fast to download- Easy to install, can be installed in external memory.This application is an alternative to applications regarding Prayer Guidance, Learning Ablution, Prayer Learning, Obligatory Prayer Readings, Prayer Learning for Children, Juz Amma Short Letters, and Muslim Child Prayers that aim to introduce Islamic Education to children from an early age.This application complements the application of our education collection, such as Learning Juz Amma, Learning Prayer for Muslim Children, Learning Letters, and Learning to Read.To change the picture and sound in our educational application series, please read the full instructions on our blog: will be very grateful if you can provide comments, input, and ratings for the development of our application series.I love Indonesia,I Love Mothers,Annisa Cipta Informatika,Indonesian Smart Children,Lets Smart Indonesia.May be useful,the world and the hereafter.Aamiin ...